A compilation of seven of Lewis' softback booklets:
- Imp Romp 2
- The Spring of 52
- Lusions
- Champagne
- Con Sessions
- Counter Feats
- Cardiogram
"Among authors of card magic, Lewis is easily in my top ten. His approach is off the wall and his results are out of this world."
- Steve Beam
"Lewis Jones is one of my secret weapons. His methods are offbeat and inspirational. Every reread leads me to new insights and revelations."
- Raj Madhok
"I highly recommend the Lewis Jones set of card books ... I know that most magicians will go through life performing the same six or seven tricks ... Me too, but I have added several to my permanent performance range, thanks to Lewis."
- Paul Daniels
"Do not buy these books. They give away too many secrets."
- Penn and Teller
"Back in 2001, I was sharply chastised for mentioning Lewis Jones, then a little-known British card genius whose manuscripts were closely guarded by those fortunate to have acquired them ... For those unfamiliar with Lewis Jones, he is an original of the stripe of Jerry Andrus, Simon Aronson, and Lennart Green. In Jones' case, his originality lies in a depth of thinking that leads to why-didn't-I-think-of-that sleights or to devilishly clever mathematical (often self-working) mysteries. Jones' trick descriptions will tantalize you. They read like dealer ads, yet, unlike many dealer ads, they deliver on their promises."
- Steve Bryant
"Lewis Jones is one of the great creative minds in magic. He specializes in close-up card magic with an ungaffed deck, placing the emphasis on ingenuity rather than sleights ... Lewis has a remarkable mind, which, allied to a profound knowledge of existing card methodology, comes up with alarmingly baffling plots and equally deceptive methods. "
- Ian Rowland